Friday, April 15, 2005

Top Ten Cloves: Ways Senate and Congress Republicans Will Overhaul Justice System

10. Have President Bush submit 'No Religion Left Behind' bill' to Congress

9. Instead of lifetime appointments, now rounds of 10-Minute Justice - just like the dating thing

8. Do like baseball - Use Christian colleges as a farm-team system to develop rightwing, conservative judges

7. All cases with life-or-death, or faith-based elements go to the floor to vote on verdict and let Congress decide case

6. Will make activist judges pay - with checks to Tom DeLay's Fact Finding Fund

5. Judges must now have skills to smote guilty defendants

4. Instead of chain-gangs, now Bible-Reading-gangs

3. Bring back stoning

2. Throw out Bill of Rights; Base justice system on 'A Purpose Driven Life'

1. Disband the entire system and give it all to Judge Judy

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