Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Top Ten Cloves: Other Things Karl Rove Didn't Identify By Name

10. The thousands of junk mail lists he added Joe Wilson's name to

9. What he plans to do to the British for releasing the Downing Street Memos

8. Nickname in the 6th Grade (Hint: Think common kitchen appliance that would have arms and legs)

7. His favorite White House Press Room reporter who is no longer credentialed

6. A certain item in 'Citizen Kane', which hangs over the entire movie, that turned out to be a sled

5. Other classified information he leaked to other reporters

4. Who authorized wiretapping his favorite White House Press Room reporter who is no longer credentialed

3. Code for getting the President to ride his bicycle whenever something big is happening

2. Person who came up with saying Saddam was trying to purchase uranium in Niger

1. His Therapist

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