Thursday, August 11, 2005

Top Ten Cloves: 'Extra Pork" Stuck Into Transportation Bill Signed By President Bush

10. New access roads, for the "common good", in Crawford, Texas

9. Shin pads for Secret Service agents who guard President when he rides his bicycle

8. Slush Fund for Jeanine Pirro, for her race against Hillary

7. Fund to purchase NCAA memorabilia before they ban all Indian mascots

6. Book Club charges, for all those books President ordered on Intelligent Design

5. Modest budget for Dick Cheney, so he can redecorate the Secret Bunker

4. Money to cover those little licorice candies Rumsfield likes

3. Slush Fund for Bob Nelson - In case Katherine Harris wins the primary

2. Satellite and PPV charges so President can get "Justice Sunday II: God Save the United States and this Honorable Court!"

1. Lawyers Fees to cover Karl Rove when he gets indicted

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