Friday, October 07, 2005

Top Ten Cloves: If The White House Got Ten Wishes ...

10. The Crawford Ranch would be brush-free so President wouldn’t have to do any ground work there

9. That the President learns to ride a bicycle properly and not run into Secret Service agents

8. Dick Cheney could, legally, stay in his secret bunker and not have come into the White House

7. Texas jury convicts and imprisons Tom DeLay, getting that greasy slimball out of Congress for good

6. New amendment - Third Term for President Bush

5. Come up with some Whitewater charges that stick to Hillary

4. Go back in time and keep the feeding tube in Terry Schiavo, until, at least, the 2008 Presidential election

3. New Law - Can give support to Pat Robertson to assassinate Huge Chavez

2. Finally, find Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq

1. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald indicts only Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame

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