Monday, November 28, 2005

Top Ten Cloves: Things President Bush Is Thankful For Every Day

10. Dick Cheney's heart attacks; Good cover if things get too hot

9. Rep. Jean Schmidt; Cheney and GOP can milk her smear a few more weeks

8. His good buddy, Bob Woodward, keeping quiet for two-years (but I suppose he'll want to do another book and interview me)

7. Only in Crawford for a few days, so didn't have to extert himself that much avoiding Cindy Sheehan

6. That Pamela Anderson website the Secret Service guys showed me

5. Al Gore, The Supreme Court and John Kerry

4. News media didn't get footage of him trying to use the doors in Brazil a few weeks ago

3. The British Official Secrets Act

2. The DVD Machine; What a great thing that let's me get caught up on the issues I'm supposed to be working on

1. Republican-controlled Congress, or my ass would have been impeached by now

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