Friday, December 02, 2005

Top Ten Cloves: Other Things Bill Richardson Has Taken Off His Biography

10. Really Watergate's "Deep Throat" but Woodward had already told editors that it was Mark Felt, so he let it go

9. Charley Finley got the idea for white cleats from him

8. Responsible for naming elephant mascot "Jumbo" while attending Tufts University

7. Runner-Up for the Heisman Trophy in 1965

6. Developed the first Slinky, then called the "Billy" but sold design to concentrate on being drafted by Kansas City Athletics

5. Choosing to go into politics, gave his plans for having successful talk show and media empire to, then unknown, Oprah Winfrey

4. He had the affair with Monica Lewinsky but President Clinton insisted on taking the hit for it

3. First brush with politics came sitting next to Churchill at the Potsdam Conference

2. Early partner of John DeLorean; First prototype of gull-winged car was called "The Richardson"

1. Upon his death, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico will change name to Bill Richardson, New Mexico

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