Monday, December 19, 2005

Top Ten Cloves: Reasons Bill and Melinda Gates May Be Miffed At Sharing Time Person-of-the-Year With Bono

10. Bono uses a Mac

9. Pissed off that they have to do photo shoot and PR after Time-Warner burned Microsoft and sold piece of AOL to Google

8. Afraid Larry and Sergy will criticize them that they couldn’t win it on their own

7. It will probably bring a new round of frivolous lawsuits against Microsoft for monopolizing Time Person-of-the-Year Awards

6. Bush Administration already badgering them to pay for Bird Flu vaccine

5. Likely to send Steve Ballmer into another chair-throwing rampage

4. Bono will probably write a new song and it will only be god-dammed available on iTunes

3. Fear Bono may ask Gates to relieve debts of Microsoft customers and vendors

2. Being lumped with Bono probably means President Bush will be wiretapping their phone calls now

1. Apple already badgering them to do new iPod commercial with Bono

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